Those are really helpful tips. While you already say that you assume in your post that prayer is already present in the believers life. I think it's important to not separate the Bible reading from prayer. Starting with asking the Holy Spirit to make us understand the text and also asking God to reveal to us His love to us through the text.
For me Bible reading was often making me feel condemned because I only saw the ways that I failed but never the ways that Jesus fixed it and is sanctifiying me until I started praying specifically for God to teach me His love.
Funny, I saw you had mentioned me so I decided to take a quick look. And in the process, found your church web page (good!) and some truly sharp ideas from others. Good stuff.
Very practical steps Justin! Love the "don't be creepy" part as well.
Thanks Adam!
Those are really helpful tips. While you already say that you assume in your post that prayer is already present in the believers life. I think it's important to not separate the Bible reading from prayer. Starting with asking the Holy Spirit to make us understand the text and also asking God to reveal to us His love to us through the text.
For me Bible reading was often making me feel condemned because I only saw the ways that I failed but never the ways that Jesus fixed it and is sanctifiying me until I started praying specifically for God to teach me His love.
Thanks Debbie! Have you ever read Donald Whitney's little book “Praying the Bible”?
No I haven't read it before. Would you recommend it?
I would. I given it to several people :)
This is excellent, Justin. Looking forward to reading pt.II
Thank you sir!
Funny, I saw you had mentioned me so I decided to take a quick look. And in the process, found your church web page (good!) and some truly sharp ideas from others. Good stuff.
Awesome Kirk! Thanks for letting me know. Did you have anything else to add to my list?
Nothing new that I can think of — hope OT Survey 1 & 2 get off to a great start for you, good sir!