How to Help a New Believer Read the Bible (version 1)
My best ideas for how to encourage a new believer read and apply the Bible so they can start to grow spiritually. *attempt #1
I prayed to close one of our Sunday morning services recently. I always mention that if a person has made a decision and would like to tell someone, please come talk to me. I also say, “If you would like to ask a question, I’ll be right here.” A young woman took me up on that question opportunity recently.
She told me she has been a believer for a few years and really hadn’t lived like it. She said she had made Jesus her Lord a while ago, and been baptized. She was ready to see life-change now. She wanted to understand the Bible and build a love for God. I suggested reading God’s word. In that moment, I suggested a simple plan by using my phone to text her a link to an online study plan. Then later I followed up with a different idea. I plan to follow up again after about another week or two.
I posted a note here on substack about the interaction at church and asked for prayer for the young lady and for advice that substackers share in these situations. The response was helpful! I decided I would organize my thoughts more formally and include some of the advice that you shared with me. Due to the responses I received and the week or so of thinking and praying; I’ve decided I would address this question in two pathways. First, what would I suggest to a younger person with very little spiritual/biblical background. Second, what would I suggest to someone who may be farther down their walk with Christ, but wants to grow more. I should tell you my wife Rachel would critique me for giving “a dissertation” to a simple question. Yet, it is my nature. Also, I should point out this post is strictly about Bible reading (I’m assuming prayer, worship, etc. is happening).
Younger Person with Little Spiritual/Biblical Background
Start Reading the Bible Every Day
I think there are many good “plans” on the Bible app, or just read your print copy Bible. Just start one. One helpful insight from the community was:
Connecting with another believer and read together. Start with easier books like Proverbs, John, James, etc. Read a physical Bible vs an app.
He and I agree that a print Bible is probably best, but that you can certainly grow with a digital Bible. I recommended Proverbs because you can read a chapter a day and read the one that corresponds with the date of the month. Just read until you find something that applies to your life that day and then live it out. Yes, it’s a basic idea. But we all start somewhere!
Study in Community with Other Believers
I recommended that the young lady in this scenario attend our group for Young Adults. They study the Bible together weekly, mostly in gender specific groups (to try and help with distractions). I think the community of believers element is something that helps all believers, but especially young believers. Our church (Greenwood Baptist Church) considers it so important that we have a core value that says: Every One Needs Others.
Check in Frequently But Don’t Be Creepy
I think about how I would like someone else to act in this situation if it was my daughter. In fact I’ve talked to my daughters (16 and 13) about the scenario above and asked for their input. About every 2 weeks I’ll text this person a resource or ask how a previously discussed strategy is going. It’s strictly on topic. It’s done with my wife, daughters, and others knowledge and oversight if desired. Creepiness aside, I don’t want to overburden a young believer with 16 things to do every day. It’s the beginning stage for them and it looks different at their point than it does for me after 30 something years of following Jesus.
Someone Farther Down the Road
Once a person has the habit of actually reading the Bible, or they have the maturity that comes with a disciplined life already I might suggest some other strategies.
Read Luke-Acts in Series
My thinking is that if she wants to understand Jesus and the faith, start with Luke and then read Acts. Seems like a good starting point. Beginning in John is fine, but I just like the Luke/Acts flow better.
I thought about his words, and I agree. If Luke intentionally wrote a 2 part composition, then let’s read that one as a way to get a handle on the message of Jesus and how that began to change the world.
Listen to Podcasts to Gain a Deeper Understanding
Many of us have time on commutes to listen to a podcast. Why not use it as time to deepen our faith?
I recommend two podcasts: 1. The Bible Project, 2. The Bible Recap. These are amazing resources for reading and understanding the Bible in context.
I agree. I’ve got ideas about other audio resources too - and I’d love to hear your recommendations in the comments below!
Study in Community with Other Believers
All of the things I said above still apply here in this context. The Group Leader should check in frequently, preferably without being creepy.
Encourage them to Read the Whole Bible
This is a big deal in the life of a believer. Let’s not discount the sense of accomplishment, AND the spiritual benefit of doing it. Methods for reading the whole Bible abound. Two helpful ones were suggested by the community:
The NLT Chronological Bible is the best understandable version. It keeps your interest—especially for the Old Testament. I got the audible version first, and it was so good, I got the book. Then my sister got it, then her friend, and my friend, and etc. I never thought I’d use this version or recommend it, but everyone who I know that started reading it actually reads the entire Bible—maybe not in a year—but it gets read.
I use a bible reading chart that gets me through the bible in a year. There are many out there mostly free. The biggest lesson I had to learn was to make sure it was not a religious thing. I would feel condemned when I missed my usual time.
This post was labelled as “version 1” on purpose. I wish I had all of the answers and could tell everybody how to do their jobs like I could when I was 18, but I can’t. Will you help me by dropping a comment to let me know what you think is good and what is trash? What’s something I may have overlooked? My goal is to improve as a disciple-maker and to help others improve also. Your feedback is appreciated because it might help that process. Maybe. Unless you’re a troll…
Very practical steps Justin! Love the "don't be creepy" part as well.
Those are really helpful tips. While you already say that you assume in your post that prayer is already present in the believers life. I think it's important to not separate the Bible reading from prayer. Starting with asking the Holy Spirit to make us understand the text and also asking God to reveal to us His love to us through the text.
For me Bible reading was often making me feel condemned because I only saw the ways that I failed but never the ways that Jesus fixed it and is sanctifiying me until I started praying specifically for God to teach me His love.